June 20, 2008

NLP SuperTip#1 Confident Men Don't Explain

Confident Men Don't Explain

"I can't come because..."

"I can't do that because..."

Most people, when refusing something, will immediately add,
"because..." and launch into an explanation. They didn't ask for
an explanation!

Even if they'll want to know, you can come off so much more
confident by putting forward the refusal and then saying nothing -
forcing them to ask why.

The message it gives is that you could really give a damn about what
she thinks about you - and whatever you do you know will be right,
so you don't need to explain yourself.

The trick is also an "open loop" as described in Swinggcat's book,
Real World Seduction. It involves them in the conversation by
making them ask questions to open you up, and in doing so commits
them psychologically to being interested.


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